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Enhancing Change Management in PCNs with FPM Core Compliance Software

In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, change is inevitable. Nowhere is this more evident than in Primary Care Networks (PCNs). Managing change within these networks can be challenging, requiring effective communication and streamlined processes. That's where FPM Core can help, as a vital tool for improving change management processes within PCNs.

Change Management – Let Mindfulness help you

Many thanks to all the PM’s who have honestly shared how they have been feeling and the way they are having to cope during this time of Covid. The vaccination rollouts have been amazing and having experienced it first-hand I commend you all - well done!

How to Deal with Burnout: Signs and Prevention

As managers and employers, it is important to provide support and guidance to staff when they need it. The nature of working in general practice can be very demanding and as a result, healthcare professionals can find themselves trapped in stressful situations.

How to Develop and Implement Strategies at Your Practice

Strategy often feels like a buzzword employers put into job descriptions to shake off candidates who are afraid of a challenge. However, at its core it simply means a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term aim.