
AI in Healthcare - What Does it Mean for Primary Care?

Artificial Intelligence, or AI as it is commonly known, has rapidly grown over the last few years. While there has been excitement around it, there has also been scepticism and debate. AI isn’t going anywhere anytime soon as more individuals and workplaces begin to use it. So what does this mean for Primary Care? 

Biometric Residence Permits – What Employers Need to Know

The Home Office has ceased to issue physical Biometric Residence Permits (BRPs) from the 31 October 2024, as the immigration system is transitioning to a fully digital system.
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The Importance of Digital Transformation in PCNs

In the evolving healthcare landscape, Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are embracing digital transformation to improve efficiency, patient care, and collaboration. Led by Clinical Directors and Digital Transformation Leads (DTLs), this shift is enhancing how practices operate, driving better outcomes, and optimising resources.
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Cybersecurity Month 2024

As a GP Practice Manager, you are responsible for the security of your patients' data and the integrity of your practice's IT systems. Cybersecurity threats are a growing concern for all organisations, but they are especially concerning for healthcare organisations, which hold sensitive patient data. What better time to renew your efforts in this field and get up to date on the latest issues than Cybersecurity Month 2024, starting October 1st?
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The Darzi Report – What Now for General Practice and the NHS?

The new labour government commissioned a report into the current state of the NHS from Lord Darzi as one of its first acts. Whilst there will be many people who roll their eyes at yet another report with recommendations, there is no doubt that it lays bare some astonishing statistics. It also contains many sensible ideas. The question, as always, will be how many of them can be implemented successfully, and by when. 
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Chaperoning In the Age of Digital Consultations

A chaperone is defined by the CQC as “an impartial observer, present during an intimate examination of a patient”. The chaperone plays an important role in protecting both patients and staff during intrusive and invasive examinations. They help to reassure the patient, protect their dignity, offer support and facilitate communication – this may be particularly important if there is a language barrier, for example.
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How Being Social Media Savvy Can Benefit Your GP Practice

Social media is a great platform for GP practices to stay in contact with patients, invite feedback and connect with the local community. Here are FPM's top tips for getting involved and making the most of your social media presence.
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9 Easy Ways to Spot a Phishing Scam

Phishing is when fraudsters pose as a legitimate company, person or institution in an email or text message to trick someone into giving financial and/or other personal information. Cyber criminals also use fake online advertising to direct victims to fake websites where username, password or financial information is required.