Policy Updates 08

Policy Updates This Week

First Practice Management members can access a comprehensive and invaluable selection of sample documents

Helping Our Heroes: Are You a Veteran-Aware Practice?

The UK has a proud history of military service, and veterans deserve the best possible healthcare after their time in the armed forces. But veterans can sometimes face challenges accessing appropriate primary care. In advance of this year’s Armed Forces Day on 29th June, this article provides GP Practice Managers with an overview of services available for veterans in the UK, highlighting the importance of veteran-friendly practices and resources for staff development.

The Ultimate Guide to Managing Workplace Grievances

Managers are all too aware that at various points in managing the employment relationship, difficulties will arise. Disciplinary and grievance procedures are there to provide structure to ensure that those difficulties are dealt with fairly and consistently. Employers are required to comply with current law and to follow the Acas Code of Practice: Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures at a minimum. 
Policy Management

Do You Struggle With These PM Policy Management Challenges?

Policy management in a GP surgery is crucial for maintaining regulatory compliance, ensuring patient safety, and facilitating efficient operations. Here's a breakdown of what policy management entails and why it's important, along with some common challenges you might face: