
The Dash Report, a comprehensive review of the Care Quality Commission (CQC), was recently published in full. Its findings call for reform, highlighting significant operational challenges, credibility issues and concerns with the Single Assessment Framework (SAF).

The CQC is under investigation, in terms of how it operates and how it inspects healthcare providers. Dr Penny Dash began a review in May 2024, and here FPM distils its interim findings.

The health and care sector in England make up 20% of public expenditure and roughly 12% of the economy. It isn’t an exaggeration to say that our lives depend on it. That’s why there is a body set up to ensure its effective functioning – the Care Quality Commission. But that very body is itself at the heart of a new investigation.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has released new quality statements and evidence categories under its single assessment framework, which will be officially launched later in 2023. Here we explore what the "Well-led" statement means.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has released new quality statements and evidence categories under its single assessment framework, which will be officially launched later in 2023. Here we explore what the 'Responsive' statement means.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has released new quality statements and evidence categories under its single assessment framework, which will be officially launched later in 2023. Here we explore what the 'Caring' statement means.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has released new quality statements and evidence categories under its single assessment framework, which will be officially launched later in 2023. Here we explore what the 'effective' statement means.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) released new quality statements and evidence categories under its single assessment framework, which will be officially launched ‘later in 2023’. Here we explore what the 'being safe' statement means.

The existing key lines of enquiry (KLOEs) are being replaced with 34 new ‘quality statements’, that will define what is to be expected from a GP Practice. Here we look at what they mean.