
Upcoming Changes to Statutory Entitlement Rates for UK

In this HR article we have provided a summary of the changes to statutory entitlement rates for employees in the UK which will come into effect in April 2024. 
Secret Diary

Secret Diary on the New GP Contract: More of the same…?

The new contract for 2024/5 has just been announced for the NHS and General Practice. The view on different platforms is… that it will make only a tiny difference to practices. I can't agree with that, though. In my view, it is going to make a huge difference to practices and patients, and we cannot ignore it.
Holiday Pay

Changes to Holiday Entitlement in 2024

In November 2023 the government announced draft legislation to implement changes to the rules surrounding holiday pay. The changes will take effect for the holiday years commencing 1 April 2024. 
Secret Diary

Secret Diary: A year in review and hopes for 2024!

To kick off 2024, our anonymous blogger and practice manager gives their thoughts on worsening financial pressures, vaccination campaigns, and the forthcoming general election.
World In Scientist Hands Pic

General Practice Around the World: Part 2 – Funding and Pay

Recently there have been some new studies published which shed light on how General Practice in the UK compares to other countries. In this second part of our report, we crunch the numbers around funding and pay.
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HR Helpline Queries Part 2: Contracts of Employment

The FPM HR helpline sees hundreds of queries each year from practice manager members, some common and some not so common. In this second part of our new series of articles, our HR expert Ciara Burns looks at the subject of Contracts of Employment.
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Managing Staff Pay Increases

Pay rises can make or break staff retention rates, but many employers do not know what the best way is to handle staff pay increases.
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Recruiting Overseas Nurses And The 'Repayment Clause'

With a national staff shortage of nurses in the NHS and private sector, UK employers are relying heavily on the international workforce to bridge the gap through recruitment. Tens of thousands of international nurses arrive in the UK each year, but at what cost for GP Practices?

Room 101 for PMs – Some Popular choices

Remember that hellish world of oppression and misery, where the line between truth and lies was blurred, and terror stalked the land? No, not primary care over the last 12 months—but George Orwell’s seminal book, Nineteen Eighty-Four. Room 101 was the torture chamber in the Ministry of Love where people’s worst fears were kept. Later, the eponymous TV game show would see guests choose their most hated things to put into Room 101.

Is your Locum REALLY self-employed? What you and your Practice need to know

It might seem like an obvious question. You pay them, they sort their own taxes, so that means they’re self-employed, right? The answer is not quite so clear cut in Employment Law…