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Secret Diary: The Honeymoon is Over

FPM's secret diarist and practice manager updates us on the new government's views on the partnership model, plus funding, wastage and a glut of doctors.
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Secret Diary August Update: Light At the End of the Tunnel?

Well, no one can accuse the new Government of dragging their feet. They seem to have hit the ground running with announcements and action to address the long-term issues across the NHS.
Secret Diary

Secret Diary July Update: the Dust Settles...

The dust has now settled on the general election and whatever our political views are, we now have a new administration in charge. Naturally, it will take time and patience to see any material change in many things, but the soundbites coming out from the new government are encouraging.
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PA Problems and Olympic Icebreakers: Secret Diary April 2024

As we recover from the last-minute QOF work to maximise income, we now move on to the new QOF year, and the challenges are just as intense, says FPM's secret diarist and practice manager. 
Secret Diary

Secret Diary on the New GP Contract: More of the same…?

The new contract for 2024/5 has just been announced for the NHS and General Practice. The view on different platforms is… that it will make only a tiny difference to practices. I can't agree with that, though. In my view, it is going to make a huge difference to practices and patients, and we cannot ignore it.
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The NHS, 2004- 2024- 2044- ?

There seems to be a lot of talk about how the NHS will look in 2044. This made me reflect, as it is exactly 20 years since I first joined the NHS and became a practice manager...
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Secret Diary: PMs Unite - Enough is Enough

My hopes for a better 2024 for primary care have been dashed by recent announcements and events, and it’s only early February!  
Secret Diary

Secret Diary: A year in review and hopes for 2024!

To kick off 2024, our anonymous blogger and practice manager gives their thoughts on worsening financial pressures, vaccination campaigns, and the forthcoming general election.
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Secret Diary: December News and Views

Looking at what is in the news now concerning the NHS, it is more of the same...